Plural Solidarities
The Plural Solidarities podcasts offer interviews with historians and historical actors on commitment and solidarity mobilisation, as well as insights and ideas to make us reflect on present times.
Episode 6
Avec Renata Latała et
Irène Herrmann
«Solidarité avec Solidarność» en Suisse

Photo: Renata Latała
Episode 5
With Patryk Pleskot and
Renata Latała
Solidarność – “a Polish experience” that never ceases to raise questions

What was the experience of Solidarność, which, in the 1980s, captured the world’s
attention and whose cause gave rise to one of the greatest global mobilisation? What
does the word "solidarity," which gives coherence to the movement, mean: is it an
ideal, a societal project, a value? How was this solidarity experienced by Polish
society, and how was it perceived from the outside? How did Western European
countries view this movement?
To shed light on these many questions, I invite you to revisit one of the key moments
in 20th-century history: the emergence of Solidarność in Poland, with Professor
Patryk Pleskot, historian and researcher at the Institute of National Remembrance in
Warsaw and the University of Rzeszów, one of the leading specialists on the history
of the Solidarność movement.
Photo: Archivum Helveto-Polonicum, AHP-SOl
Episode 4
With Jeremy Adelman and
Irène Herrmann
Solidarity v. Interdependence (20'20'')

Solidarity refers to a specific attitude of compassion. Unlike other altruistic behaviours, such as dedication or sacrifice, it does not presuppose total disinterestedness on the part of the promoters of aid. On the contrary, their behaviour stems from an acute awareness of sharing a common fate. Is the intensification of economic interdependence between societies at the root of the surges of solidarity that have marked the twentieth and twenty-first centuries ? Jeremy Adelman (Princeton) and Irène Herrmann (Unige) will answer this question. More broadly, they will look at the interactions between solidarity and the contours of the universe in which it is expressed.
Picture : Peaceful protest. 1st January, 1973. Saint-Vulbas, France. Pierre Audéou. Workers Power (L5I) 028 (1982.01).
Episode 3
With François Rochaix and
Renata Latała
Artists who commit...
The International Association for the Defense of Artists Victims of Repression Worldwide (27’13'')

Artists who commit...
The International Association for the Defense of Artists Victims of Repression Worldwide.
Rester attentif à l’actualité, défendre la liberté d’expression, sensibiliser sur la répression politique. Tels sont les maîtres mots de cette association de défense des artistes emprisonnés ou censurés. Créée en 1979, elle organise de nombreuses actions afin de mobiliser l’opinion publique pour la cause de ces artistes victimes de répression politique.
François Rochaix, metteur en scène et l’un des fondateurs d’AIDA revient sur les événements qui ont marqué l’expérience d’AIDA en passant par le Chili la Tchécoslovaquie et la Suisse. La défense d’artistes, par des artistes.
Photo: Fonds AIDA, Collège du travail.
Episode 2
With François Courvoisier and
Irène Herrmann
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.The momentum of solidarity rights (7'58'')

Adopted in 1981 by the member countries of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights illustrates the process of universalizing human rights, one of the UN's essential missions. The final text includes an unprecedented catalog of five articles devoted to the rights of peoples. These collective rights are categorized as a third generation of human rights, under the banner of solidarity rights.
The study of the conceptualization and adoption processes of the African Charter allows us to analyze what constitutes a crucial moment in the history of human rights, by differentiating the conceptual contribution from their contested qualification and categorization.
Photo: ©Celebrating the African Charter at 30. A guide to the African Human Rights System, 2011.
Episode 1
With Irène Herrmann and
Renata Latała
Plural Solidarities
The inside story of a concept (7'08'')

Around 1980, there was a spectacular fad for the notion of solidarity. From Poland to Africa, from UN diplomats to popular gatherings, this word seems have been on everyone’s lips. The idea of this project was born out of this observation. Its aim is not only to decipher the reasons for the craze, but also to grasp the causes inherent in the functioning of this concept and to understand what it means for the societies that express it. Beyond the events that marked the end of the Cold War, this investigation aspires to give answers to the more general questions that solidarity, in its many variations, poses both in the past and in the present.
* Photo: Manifestation en faveur de Solidarność à Berne, 19 déc. 1981 © Jacek Sygnarski, Fondation Archivum Helveto-Polonicum.
Renata Latała
New Podcast Plural Solidarities (2’36’’)

Welcome to our new podcast channel Plural Solidarities. The first episode will be released in May. Please find here teaser we prepared for you (2’36’’, FR). Enjoy!